Meeting of the Rivers Picture 27

More information on Hotel in Negro River, Amazonian jungle Photo by: Zemlinki!
Hotel in Negro River, Amazonian jungle
This natural phenomenon is caused by the confluence of the Negro River’s dark water and the Solimões River’s muddy brown water that come together to form the Amazonas River. For 6 km, both rivers waters run side by side, without mixing. This phenomenon is caused by the great difference between the water temperatures and current speeds. The Negro River flows approximately 2km/h at 22ºC, while the Solimões River flows 4 to 6 km/h at 28ºC. The "Meeting of the Waters is a confluence of the Rio Negro, black water, with the River, the muddy water, near Manaus. Different densities and temperatures create a "boundary" for miles down the Amazon River. The Meeting of the Waters is a phenomenon that occurs at the confluence of the Rio Negro, black water, and the River, the muddy water, where the waters of two rivers run side by side without mixing for an extension of more than 6 km. A major tourist attractions of the city of Manaus. This phenomenon happens due to the difference between the temperature and density of water, and also the current speeds: the Negro River flows approximately 2 km / h at a temperature of 22 ° C, while the Solimões River flows 4 to 6 km / h at a temperature of 28 ° C. [1] There are dozens of tourist agencies that offer the tour to the region, on routes which usually include a tour around the creeks of the region. If the tour is done on a small boat, visitors can put your hand in the water while crossing from one side to the other waters, and feel that the rivers have different temperatures. In the period that goes from the river filled from January to July is the best time for a tour to observe the meeting of the waters, since the outputs from the streams are in motorized canoes. You can enter the holes and river arms and be able to see animals such as birds, monkeys and sloths. The ride is always done in an ecological park Janauari, where you can observe and take pictures of aquatic plants water lilies. At the end of the ride is on a floating restaurant with typical food of Amazonas. You are in a building observation deck of the meeting designed by Oscar Niemeyer.
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