Arte Moderna Aluísio Magalhães Museum Picture 6

More information on Arte Moderna Aluisio Magalhaes Museum Photo by: Lais Castro
Arte Moderna Aluisio Magalhaes Museum
Created in order to make room for avant-garde artists, the Museum of Modern Art Aluisio Magellan (Mamam) has become a reference center of modern and contemporary production. Located on the banks of the River Capibaribe in a 19th century mansion, the museum has hosted exhibitions of some of history's most important artists such as Pablo Picasso, Francisco Goya, Jean Michel Basquiat and Auguste Rodin. In its collection, one can find about 830 jobs divided between paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures and photographs. The highlights are eleven screens Vicente do Rego Monteiro, a leading national names of modernism. Of this total, six paintings were painted during the 20 years of last century, the height of the modernist movement in Brazil. Still belong to the museum series "Scenes from a Brazilian", John House, a series of ten one hundred paintings and engravings that depict the Vargas period in Brazilian politics. Phone: +55 (81) 3423.3007 Visiting hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 6:00 pm Admission: R$ 1.00
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