Manaus Travel Information
Parque Nacional da Amazônia

The Amazonia National Park is located in the municipality of Itaituba in the Southwestern region of Para State, Brazil. It has an area of 945,851.00 (ha). The perimeter of the park is 508366.413 meters. It is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation - ICMBio.
The best time to visit the Amazon National Park is between the months of July and December when the rains subside. During the visit is possible observe a great diversity of plant and animal species.
The inhabitants of the local build trails in gently undulating, which lead to waterfalls, beaches and mountains of the Rio Tapajos. The tourist stops in other cities in the river excursion, which includes venture between rapids, rock outcrops, beaches, sand banks and streams.
In the city of Santarem the encounter between the Tapajós and Amazon. Other recreational options include: Forte Principe da Beira, Madeira Mamore Railway, Madeira Mamore Railway Museum, Bridge over the River Jacy, Rio Madeira, Chapel of St. Anthony, Jerusalem in the Amazon, Lake Cuniã, Lytic Collection, Indigenous and Cultural , Park Circle, Valley and Vale of Tight Guaporé.
As the Amazon National Park has no structure to house visitors, one alternative is to stay on boats near the park. Another curiosity is that the existence of the Indians prevented the creation of more reserves. The number of employees is small compared with the size of the place-11, three are from eight ICMBio and caring for the monitoring and cleaning. The infrastructure relies on a Toyota (1989), a Pampa (1989), an aluminum boat, an outboard motor (3 hp) communication system (fax radios and 8 - 5 3 mobile and fixed). 75% of the total area is normalized.
Visitors have three ways to reach the park. By plane via Belém / Manaus / Itaituba, river, the Rio Tapajos starting from Santarem to Itaituba. Or bus going by Trans (BR - 230).
The climate is hot and humid, with one to two dry months. The average annual temperature is 26 to 28 ° C with a maximum of 38 to 40 ° C and a minimum of 20 to 22 ° C.
There Prevalence of wet tropical forest, with great diversity of species and forms, and the larger trees have a height of 50 meters, and due to the luminosity, the lower strata have large numbers of climbing plants, mosses, lichens, orchids, among others.
Rich in species, but with few individuals, usually nocturnal. You are also endangered species like the otter, manatee and the giant anteater, and a remarkable reptiles and aquatic fauna.
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