
More information on Açores Beach in Florianopolis

Açores Beach in Florianopolis
Description: Açores Beach in Florianopolis

The water at the 2´km long beach is blue, considered cold and has medium waves, with good ecological trails amid the Atlantic Forest.   From  Açores Beach you can see the  Três Irmãs Island  and Moleques do Sul Beach.  Being surrounded by hills it allows several interesting trails. 


Açores Beach is located roughly 30 km from the city center of Florianópolis between Pântano do Sul and Solidão Beaches.  The area is well-planned and doesn't allow for urban sprawl in the region, which makes it a nice change from the typical beaches.  


Access is by paved road, so cars can be parked just meters from the sandy beach.   The nearest residential neighborhood is located 2 km from Pântano do Sul, and is a fishing village.




Photo by: stummjr

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Açores Beach in Florianopolis

Açores Beach in FlorianopolisAçores Beach in Florianopolis