More information on Centro Cultural Carioca
Description: Centro Cultural Carioca
The story-house of the Theatre Street and its balconies overlooking the Royal Portuguese Reading House 12052 have many stories to tell. It worked in the house, between the decades of 30 and 60, the famous Eldorado Dancing *, frequented by artists most popular brazilian singers like Ciro Monteiro, Raul de Barros, Mario Lago and Elizeth Cardoso.
And as the meaning of Eldorado is a land of dreams and joy, the Centro Cultural Carioca follows his calling, rescuing the cultural life of the area where they were born the famous musical revues signed by Walter Pinto and Carlos Machado.
But the story of the building of eclectic architecture of the early twentieth century does not stop there. Eldorado was in the hall of the singer Orlando Silva, then at the height of his career, first heard the famous brazilian song "Carinhoso", interpreted by the author, Pixinguinha. Crazed by the Music, Orlando invited João de Barros, to write the lyrics. Recording took place in 1937 and thus was born one of the classics of Brazilian music.
* The Dancings worked as follows: the gentlemen were given tickets to arrive. Danced with the women dancers, who taught them the secrets of the dance (the entry of women of the family was not well regarded ...). They received cards which were chopped up on the way out. The dancers paid according to the amount of time dancing or music.
Rua do Teatro, 37 - Praça Tiradentes, Center, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
(21) 2252-6468
Photo by: Os Rúpias
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