More information on Forte das Cinco Pontas
Description: Forte das Cinco Pontas
Erected in 1630 with five-pointed by the Dutch, was taken by the Portuguese and rebuilt in 1677, with stones and whale oil. Since 1982, the Museum serves as the City of Recife, with permanent exhibition of archaeological fragments and panels with reproductions of maps, lithographs, paintings and photos of ages 16 to 20 which depict the urban evolution of Recife. At the top of the old fort are cannons. Closed for renovations, with reopening was scheduled for jan/2011.
Forte Cinco Tips
Lg. Tips from 5 (San Jose)
(81) 3355-3107
Price: $ 4
Time: 3 rd / 6 th 9h/17h, Sat / Sun 13h/17h
Photo by: Lais CastroMore Photos of Picture