
More information on Ademir Rosa Theater

Ademir Rosa Theater
Description: Ademir Rosa Theater

(Teatro do CIC), Av. Irineu Bornhausen, 5600, tel. +55 48 3953-2300.

Opened on 14 November 1982 and christened in 1997 as the Teatro Ademir Rosa, is today the best of Santa Catarina, with capacity for 956 people in the audience. Administered by the Santa Catarina Foundation for Culture, cultural organ of the state government, it occupies a total area of ​​1746.46 meters square and has four dressing rooms with capacity for 30 people and a stage with 567 square meters.

The official opening of the Teatro Ademir Rosa to the public occurred on July 25, 1983, with the presentation of the show "The Big Circo Mistico", the Ballet of the Teatro Guaira in Curitiba. Since then, it has been the main home for cultural events in Santa Catarina, receiving plays, concerts and national and international performances. Also makes room for groups and artists from Santa Catarina, though, in Florianopolis, this role is particularly fitting for the Teatro Álvaro de Carvalho, who was inaugurated in 1875.

The name given to the theater is a tribute to the actor Ademir Rosa Santa Catarina, who died of cancer in 1997. Born in Florianopolis, he majored in Social Science from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) and made pós-graduação/especialização in Theatre Education from State University (UDESC). He was professor of history at state schools in School of Application of UFSC and pre-university courses. He also gave lessons in Rural Sociology at UFSC.

Politically engaged, was a founder of the Workers' Party (PT) in Florianópolis, in 1980. He was a member of the Pastoral Land and collaborator of the MST, and was a union leader with the Union of Social Security (Sindprevs).

In the theater he helped found the group frame, one of the oldest in Santa Catarina, and Dromedary Loquacious, responsible for some of the major assemblies held in the state in 80 years. As an actor, he served between 1970 and 1996, in The Ghost Investigation (Dias Gomes), Celestina (Fernando Rojas), Sedimentation Quicksand Society (Gelcy Coelho), Contested (Romario Borelli), An Inspector Is Out There (JB Priestley) , Way Back (Consuelo de Castro), Clytemnestra Lives (Resende Marcos Caroli), A Cry in the Air Stopped (Gianfrancesco Guarnieri), Prayer For A-Foot slippers (Plinio Marcos), The Importance of Being Agreement (Bertolt Brecht ) Blind Node (Carlos Vereza), What's Up, Che? (Carlos Carvalho), Short Circuit (Tymoshenko Wehbi) The Inspector General (Nicolai Gogol), The Orphan Quadros (Millor Fernandes), PT - 11 Years (Chico Verissimo), The Possum That Did not Know Smiling (Rubens Alves) The Story (Ademir Rosa), Acorda Raimundo (Fatima Lima), Pimba (show performer) Karakukerá (Lau and Mario Santos Santos), The Saga of the Lames (Marlio Pereira da Silva) and The History Train (Mario Silveira da Silva) .

In film, Ademir Rosa served in five short films and documentaries, and as an extra in the feature Silver Palomares, André Farias. He also worked in a video and a television program about the life and work of writers and Alison Salim Miguel Malheiros.


Photo by: Raimundo Colombo

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Ademir Rosa Theater