
More information on Parque Nacional da Serra Geral

Parque Nacional da Serra Geral
Description: Parque Nacional da Serra Geral
The Serra Geral National Park is situated on the border of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Serra Geral National Park was created by Decree No. 531 of 20.05.1992 and is adjacent to National Park of Sierra Aparados, constituting an ecosystem of rare beauty and important area for biodiversity for scientific, cultural and recreational services. It is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio). The climate is mild mesothermal superhumid without drought. Average annual temperatures are between 18 to 20 ° C, with absolute maximum from 34 to 36 ° C and absolute minimum of -8 ° to -4 ° C. The rainfall is between 1,500 and 2,000 mm annually. Coexist in the area to the Araucaria Forest, Fields and the Atlantic Rain Forest, as well as the transition zones between them. In the Forest of Araucaria stands out: the pine-Parana, the mastic, oak, pine and caun-bravo. In fields dominated by grasses. In the Atlantic Rain Forest are several species, such as the maria-mole and Cangerana. The interior of the canyon, without any transition enters the plateau ripping altitude grasslands, is covered with tropical rain forest of evergreen, which originally occupied the entire slope of the Serra Geral. Atlantic Rain Forest within the Canyon Fortaleza Its steep slopes and vertical basalt show a yellowish coloration resulting from the lichen and vegetation of herbs and small shrubs that alternate with bare rock. In the edge of the canyon, is the nebular altitude forest, growing on moist soil and peat, receiving this name because he is where is the frequent formation of fog called "whirlwind" that rise from the lowland region coast, creating conditions of high humidity. Also found in humid and rocky Gunnera manicata, plant species with huge leaves, up to 1.5 meters in diameter, and besides Aparados da Serra, is found in the Andean forests, especially in the south of Chile. Also characteristic of the region is the flower symbol of Rio Grande do Sul: "play-the-princess". Graxains-the-Forest at Canyon Fortaleza The local wildlife is rich and consists of rare species and that few know exist in Brazil, like the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), the puma or lion-bay (Felis concolor), the graxaim-to-kill deer and pampas (Ozotocerus bezoarticus), and foxes, opossums, armadillos and monkeys. Among the birds found a crow-blue (Cyanocorax caeruleus), parrot-japan, parakeets, partridges, quails and ducks, in addition to typical I-want (Vanellus chilensis), bird of the pampas gaucho. The duck hawk (Spizaetus tirannus) and gray-eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) may possibly be sighted in areas of difficult access and are threatened with extinction. There are also venomous snakes. The month of January is the warmest, averaging between 20-22 ° C in June and July are the coldest months with temperatures reaching the mark of 0 ° C. Due to this temperature variation, the visitor can choose the best time to visit the park. Depending on the climate of the mountain weather can change quickly at any time of year, being common to temperatures below 10 ° C in midsummer. Photo by: Brazil Adventure International

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Parque Nacional da Serra Geral

Parque Nacional da Serra GeralParque Nacional da Serra Geral