Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida - Patron Saint of Brazil Picture 3

Our Lady of Aparecida National Sanctuary

More information on Our Lady of Aparecida National Sanctuary Photo by: Catedrales e Iglesias

Our Lady of Aparecida National Sanctuary

On October 12, three dates are celebrated, but few remember them all: Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil's official patron saint, Children's Day and the Discovery of America. The national holiday, however, is due only to the first date, and although the devotion to the Saint dates back to the eighteenth century, it was only enacted in 1980.


There are two sources found on the image, which are in the Archives of the Metropolitan Curia of Aparecida and the Roman Archive of the Society of Jesus in Rome. According to these sources, in 1717, three fishermen were fishing. Or rather, trying to fish, because every time they cast their nets, it would come back empty. In a last attempt they brought the image of a saint, without the head. Playing the net once more, a little below where the saint had been fished, they fished the head which was missing in the image and the net, hitherto empty, came back full of fishes. It was attributed to a miracle of the Virgin found.  That same afternoon ​​an altar and the whole neighborhood gathered to pray a rosary. 


That was considered the first miracle of the Saint. They cleaned up the image caught in the river and noticed that it was a dark color image of Our Lady. Over the next 15 years, the image stayed with the family of Filipe Pedroso, one of the fishermen, and became the subject of the prayers of the entire community. The devotion grew as the fame of the miracles performed spread. The family built a chapel, which was soon found small to house the devotees who would come in increasing numbers.


The construction of the current basilica began in 1946, signed by the project Engineer Benedito Calixto de Jesus. The inauguration took place in 1967 on the occasion of the commemoration of 250 Anniversary meeting of the miraculous image, even with the unfinished temple. Pope Paul VI offered the saint a golden rose, symbol of love and trust for the many blessings and graces granted by it. Since 1950 it has been thought in the construction of a new Marian shrine due to the increasing number of pilgrimages. The majestic temple was consecrated by the Pope, after more than twenty-five years of construction, on July 4, 1980, the first visit of Pope John Paul II to Brazil.


The commemorative day of Our Lady of Aparecida (anniversary) was set as Oct. 12. At the date, the Basilica records the presence of a countless multitude of devotees, although they mark notable presence throughout the year. The image found is still revered. It is terracotta made and measures 40 cm. The original color was certainly affected by the time the image was dipped in the river water as well as the smoke of candles and lamps that for so many years were the symbols of the holy devotion of the devotees.


In 1978, the image was attacked and, as a result, it was reduced to nearly 200 pieces. It was further rebuilt by art restorer Maria Helena Chartuni of the Art Museum of São Paulo. Experts say it was molded from clay of the region, by the Benedictine monk Frei Agostinho de Jesus, although this is difficult to prove authorship. It is possible to virtually visit the sanctuary on santuarionacional.com.br where you can also light a virtual candle.

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida is located in Aparecida do Norte in the State of São Paulo, 167 km away from the capital. 



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Our Lady of Aparecida National Sanctuary

Our Lady of Aparecida National SanctuaryOur Lady of Aparecida National Sanctuary