Praça XV de Novembro Picture 4

More information on Praça XV de Novembro in Rio de Janeiro Photo by: marcusrg
Praça XV de Novembro in Rio de Janeiro
Praça XV de Novembro, no doubt can be considered one of the most important city of Rio de Janeiro, because it occurred over several centuries, the most significant events that affected the fate not only the city but also the country.
At the commencement of the seventeenth century when the Castle Hill began to be small for the city, it launched itself to the Meadow, where there was already a chapel, built to Our Lady of O ', located in a very swampy area that became known as the Yard O. Later the site became the Yard of the Pole, because it was installed on the trunk, instrument of torture to punish blacks.
After also known as Rossio Square or do Carmo, because it was in front of the Convento do Carmo, has become the Palace Square, because it was located the house that was the Palace of the Governors Palace of the Viceroys, and Royal Palace Imperial Palace. With the Proclamation of the Republic in 1889 became the Quinze de Novembro Square and was reformed in 1894 for the new landscaping and the inauguration of the Statue of General Osório.
In the Square was the old Port of Rio, with Pharoux Pier, it was the pier of the Sa family See Weight, Suitable for Salvador Correia de Sá and Benavides in 1636 and remained under family control until 1850. This pier is found more or less in place today is the Cultural Space of the Post Office, next to the France-Brazil and access to the pier was the origin of the Street of the Ombudsman.
Besides the Palace, are part of the November XV Square, Arc de Telles, the Stock Exchange, the Pyramid Fountain of Boats and Station, from where the ferries, hydrofoils and catamarans those who make the transportation of passengers Guanabara Bay to Niterói, Paqueta and Governador Island.
At the bottom of the Plaza, but now belongs to First Street in March, there is the important architectural group formed by former convent and church of the Carmelite novitiate was the Metropolitan Cathedral until moving to the Avenida Chile and the Church Order Third of Our Lady of Mount Carmelo.
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